Trauma occurs when the individual's sense of self and space has been violated by a significant other, person they know, disaster or some other experience that is beyond your control. The meaning of trauma varies from person to person and can mean violence, bullying or for the sensitive person negative events that would otherwise be called challenging experiences caused by others. Interpersonal abuse includes emotional abuse.
A traumatic event is usually re-experienced subconsciously through invasive memories, thoughts and emotions. It can cause you to disassociate, withdraw or become angry in a way that is excessive to the situation.
Therapy for trauma includes a whole lot of empathy, love, respect and support together with treatments such as emotion focused, cognitive behaviour and schema therapies. It will also include psycho-education to give you the skills to regain your self control, self respect and self-love.
After treatment you will experience a sense of wholeness, and be able to feel your body and experiences because the world around you won't be so threatening but safe.