Stress and anxiety occur during negative impact from workplace demands, feeling undervalued, unhappiness, personal problems, family functioning, money issues, and workplace culture. It can affect workplace performance, physical symptoms and psychological problems.
Friendship problems, financial issues, relationship issues, and studies can also impact on the level of stress and anxiety. Life hassles causes more stress than major life events and as a response can cause anxiety – a reaction from the limbic system. Anxiety is a response to stress. Other responses include somatic symptoms such as having a gut feeling something is not right. The first stage of stressful situations is the alarm system, where the central nervous system is saying that something is not right. This is when fight of flight occurs. During this stage images and thoughts of the event flood the system. Then resistance occurs to adapt to the stressful situation. During resistance, the thinking part of the brain starts to kick in to find ways to cope. After finding ways to cope, exhaustion occurs. Although during exhaustion two situations happen – resilience (bouncing back) or depression.
Counselling can help overcome depression through Interpersonal Therapy (improving interpersonal relationships) and/or Process Experiential Therapy where emotions can be processed. Sessions can help those affected by stress and anxiety bounce back and return to their energetic, enthusiastic self.