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Money Management Risk Assessment A free risk assessment to help with your financial planning. Understanding risk will help you make the right financial decisions. https://pfp.missouri.edu/research/investment-risk-tolerance-assessment/
Speaking Assertively These easy tips will guide you to the process of remaining assertive. It is important in your personal and working relationships to speak up for yourself in a compassionate way, otherwise you will be considered as passive, passive-aggressive or aggressive.
Speaking in an assertive style means that you realise that you can't control other people but only yourself. It also means that you may decide to let the issue go rather than act on it. You have a choice whether to act assertively as it doesn't meaning winning an argument but seeing each other's point of view and intentions. How to Remain Assertive.pdf
Anti-bullying Tips How to cope when there's a bully in your life. This flyer can be used in your workplace, home and/or school environment. You can use it as a guide to teach others these skills or use it as a talking point. Read more about Anti-bullying Tips
Recommended Resources The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, MD and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD The Whole-Brain Child is a must read for parents and other caregivers who want to learn how to help their child/ren make moral choices which will in turn help improve behaviour. It provides a guide on developmentally appropriate ways to help children talk about solutions and what is wrong, it also teaches about working with the whole child and the brain and behaviour connection.
Difficult Personalities by Dr Helen McGrath & Hazel Edwards A fabulous resource for people who want to understand why somebody they know is being difficult and how to deal with it. It may even include staying out of their way to save yourself. You will find people you know in this book, but you may also find yourself, recognise how your difficult behaviour is affecting other people, learn how to change and why you need to change.
You Just Don't Understand by Deborah Tannen Discusses how men and women converse differently and will help you understand the other gender and get along with them better. You will also learn how to improve your conversational style.
Positive Energy by Judith Orloff, M.D. We are not just about skin and bones, but have energy that people read as well. This book will give you exercises to help you release negative energy and change it into positive energy and how to read other people's energy. It will help understand yourself better and improve your relationships and wellbeing.
Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, PH.D Learn how to improve your marriage, find out why it isn't working so the complications will make sense to you and give you the knowledge to improve it. It will help you keep intimacy and love alive. Being different to your significant other means that your relationship will maintain its intimacy and keep its spark alive. If you are in a relationship and think that your partner accepts everything single thing about you, then mostly you are creating a pseudo self which will eventually crack. You are also creating a false sense of security. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, tell your partner what you like and don't like to remain separate but together. David also mentions how you don't need your partner to like everything and validate everything you do, because you should accept and like yourself already. This is true intimacy.
Why Women Talk and Men Walk by Patricia Love and Steven Stosny I had the pleasure of listening to Patricia Love speak at a seminar recently and she knows her stuff inside out. She has spent over 25 years helping people improve their relationships and has shared her insights into her new book. She talks about how connection is more important than communication and how to honor the differences in each gender. She also talks about why we disconnect in a relationship and how to ignite that spark again.
Controlling People by Patricia Evans Interpersonal Communication specialist Particia Evans talks about how to recognise controlling people and look after yourself when around them. A controlling relationship starts when the other thinks that you are connected because you think alike and almost the same. There is no differentiation, but sameness. People who are controlling are those who recognise everything from outside themselves, rather than from their own feelings. You also have people who make up their significant other as a perfect person and if you start to become yourself, they will feel threatened and react in an undesirable way. They do this because they don't know who they are, so they will construct you as they want to see themselves in you. When you go out of that boundary they will become threatened.