If you have difficulty controlling your attention and behaviour you may find yourself forgetting things, not focused on goals or anything else, and impulsive.
You may have a fast mind with high intelligence that requires complexity to remain focused as you process information quickly and become easily bored with simplicity. On the other hand, you may have a learning disability that requires simplicity to remain focused as you process information more slowly and may become easily frustrated with complexity. It is important to remember that inattention may explain psychological withdrawal such as daydreaming or impulsive behaviour resulting in struggles at work and learning environments such as school. The struggles may cause failure and low self-esteem. Therefore Josephine will consider your individual needs to find solutions to your unique challenges.
When you lack the ability to remain focused and attentive, you may find it difficult to manage your emotions, manage your thoughts, filter out distractions and lack self-control resulting in impulsive behaviour or psychological withdrawal. Impulsive behaviour or withdrawal can cause dysfunctional relationships, difficulties with work performance, challenges in making decisions and have a weaker control over emotions. It may also cause you to have intermittent explosive disorder.
These challenges can be managed through counselling and coaching by helping you learn how to be become mindful to increase focus and attention, manage your thoughts and emotions, improve your capacity to inhibit immediate reactions to make better choices and to become self-aware of your personality so you will understand your behaviour and how to manage it.