Researchers have found that people who have insecure attachment styles have more worries around money, believe they are less well off, and don't deserve money. Moreover, people who have had a loss of social connection in childhood have unhealthy thoughts around money. People will use money to manage pain. For example a person may build wealth for others to see them as grandiose to cover up the broken self and improve their self worth. They may think "If I have more stuff, I will be seen as I am worth something". If a person has a dependent attachment style as an adult they will put less effort into making money to remain dependent on others or the system. If a person has an anxious attachment style, they will want to control their situation. Control may include avoiding spending to make sure they are financially secure. If a person was denied what they wanted when young may end up hoarding to avoid experiencing lack. Additionally the higher the insecure attachment style the less transparent they will be about their finances to their partners. As a result, healing trauma can heal how you manage money. #trauma #money #finances #financialpsychology
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With all the changes in industries especially in financial planning how do you encourage staff to have a passion for learning, especially when work demands are high and life stressors have increased.
Passion for learning may include learning more about the self and being curious when life does not go well, relationships are a struggle or fail and when feeling emotionally unwell. Passion for learning also includes professionally developing when staff are satisfied with their career and feel settled, meaning if they don't professionally develop anymore who would notice? Developing professionally and creating a passion for learning can be challenging especially when there is no time, when people don't need to, when finances are low and when there are many life constraints in the way. However at a systems level, professionally developing staff can create a dynamic workplace, a culture for learning and enhance performance. Performance management is a strategy which includes non-monetary and monetary rewards. Self-determination theory suggests that intrinsic motivation is more effective than external motivation however you still need both. Intrinsic motivation may include the benefits learning has on the staff member such as they may be able to apply it in their personal and work life and can use the information to build relationships such as being up to date in their field would help with developing intelligent, meaningful conversations with their peers. Learning can be conducted online, or through round tables. It can also be conducted when out for coffee or drip fed through emails. Following up on the learning by finding out how staff applied it can help develop intrinsic motivation and management receive feedback on the learning material. The process may include finding out the constraints of learning, doing a gap analysis to identify what topics to teach and identifying which platforms to use. Ensuring staff have a passion for learning will improve your branding and maintain high performance employees. It would also ensure staff would not feel redundant if they seek employment elsewhere or talk with their peers. |
AuthorProviding evidence based information regarding psychology for individuals and workplaces to empower and inform. Archives
March 2024
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